solved Before you begin this assignment, please review the meaning of

Before you begin this assignment, please review the meaning of the term expressionism as explained in this lesson. This assignment asks you to listen to another atonal work by Schoenberg called A Survivor from Warsaw. Before you listen, read about the work here: (Links to an external site.)There are two video options for experiencing this work below. You may choose either option. Option OneThis recording is set to photographs from Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. It also contains subtitles and translations of German and Hebrew words. TwoIf you are concerned that you will find the photographs in option one too disturbing, you may watch this live performance of the piece instead. You may find it helpful to follow along with this transcription of the libretto while you watch and listen. your reactions to atonal music in general and to this piece specifically.Clearly demonstrate that you listened to the work in full by describing moments that stood out to you and what made them memorable. Use time markers when applicable. Reference something specific you learned in this lesson in relation to this work.Reflect on the composer’s choice to use atonal music to write a piece about this specific event. What effect does it have, and why might he have made the compositional choices he did?

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