solved YOUR PERSONAL MASKUsing any material of your own choosing, create

YOUR PERSONAL MASKUsing any material of your own choosing, create a mask that represents YOU (family, culture, skills, talents).You can use construction paper, plastic, fabric, Paper Mache, etc. Think about the following:Composition: Symmetry or Asymmetry – arrangements of line, shape and form.Texture: Smooth, rough, etc.Shape and Color: Will your mask be a big mask or a passport mask? Will the shape be circular, oval, rectangular, elongated…?WRITING ASSIGNMENTWrite a 1-2 page rationale for designing your own personal mask. Include a description of the shape, materials, colors, patterns, and what you are trying to symbolize by this mask. (FOR THIS MASK IM SYMBOLIZING AFRICAN HERITAGE.)so you can writeabout African heritage and mask.

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