solved Each  student  has  to  submit Â
Each  student  has  to  submit  a  critique  of  an  organization-based  article  that  you  have  read  from
magazines  (such  as  Fortune,  or Business  Week,), newspapers  (such  as  the  Wall  Street  Journal,  the
Washington  Post,  the  New  York  Times,  or  the  News  &  Record),  or journals  (such  as  Production  and
Inventory  Management  Journal,  Industrial  Management  &  Data Systems,  Quality  Progress, Quality
Digest, International Journal of Operations and Production, Industry Week, Managing Service Quality,
International Journal of Service Industry Management, Managing Service Quality, or Industrial
Management). Â Â The article should relate to one specific company and must have been published after
June  30th,  2021.   Â
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