solved PromptReview the case study titled “Girls Flex: True Strength Comes
PromptReview the case study titled “Girls Flex: True Strength Comes From Within” posted in Module 14. Examine Girls Flex as a delinquency prevention program from a feminist perspective. Explain. Examine Girls Flex as a delinquency prevention program from a conflict perspective. Explain. Discuss one policy implication inferred by feminist theories and one policy implication inferred by conflict theories. What societal changes would be necessary for them to occur?Keeping in mind Girls Flex, which of the two theories (feminist or conflict) do you consider the most significant? Assignment GuidelinesYour paper should be 2 to 3 double-spaced complete pages–excluding title and reference pages. Include a title and reference page.Use proper APA citations.Typed (Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins).Submit in .doc or .pdf form.
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