solved In order to help you get a further grasp on
In order to help you get a further grasp on the different human rights, your assignment is to choose one (or more) of the human rights from the UDHR (Links to an external site.) that stands out to you. After you have chosen a human right, find something that represents it and post it, with a description, here on the discussion board. Here is an example:Human Right 25 stands out to me because of my family background (being born out of wedlock) and because of the situations I have seen on my mission trips. This past summer I met a girl in Guatemala named Maria who, at 13, is looking for a husband. She wants to drop out of school and get married, because that is how her village does it. This video reminds me of Maria and the hard life she will have if we don’t do something to help women and children break out of the cycle of poverty.
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