solved Watch Video Jodi Arias: Master manipulator or abuse victim? Duration:
Watch Video Jodi Arias: Master manipulator or abuse victim? Duration: 4:40 User: n/a – Added: 4/3/13 ch. 9, powerpoints.pptPlease view the video on Jodi Arias (if you are not able to click on, WATCH VIDEO, and view the content, you can simply type the title of the video into UTube and it will be listed as a selection). Based on the material in this week’s reading as well as last week’s reading, identify attributes, characteristics, and any other data that indicate Jodi A. was the abuser, the abused, or possibly both. Support your argument by using the material in the chapters. Finally, indicate how you would approach Jodi as a client you are treating. If interested in advancing your discussion further along, consider and comment on Travis Alexander’s role in the scenario.Feel free to refer to additional resources, if you deem it necessary, regarding the Jodi A. case when making your argument.