solved The Case Analysis Outline Please select a company for your
The Case Analysis Outline
Please select a company for your Integrated Project by the end of Week 1 (August 25) subject to the approval of the instructor. The companies selected for analysis must be public companies for which there are published data.
Such data are available from the company’s annual reports, journals, magazines, periodicals, Internet, and industry analysis. All case analyses must adhere to the following conventional format:
1. Introduction: brief summary of the firm, officers, industry and location; and the       purpose of the project.
2. Problem Identification: major problem(s) to be resolved-use the 4Ps model.
3. SWOT Analysis: strengths; weaknesses; opportunities; threats.
4. Alternatives: strategic options-solutions to the problem(s) identified.
5. Analysis of Alternatives: cost/benefit analysis of the solutions identified.
6. Recommendation: best/optimal solution based on the cost/benefit analysis.
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