solved Now that you have created a marketing strategy, you must
Now that you have created a marketing strategy, you must create a plan for your chosen business to implement the marketing strategy. This should be a concrete plan discussing how you apply the strategy created in the previous assignment.
Write a 6–7 page paper in which you do the following:
Determine any strategic partnerships the company could develop that would help promote both companies.
Construct a strategy for managing the company’s top-selling product or service. Provide a rationale for your strategy.
Review the pricing strategy for the company’s top three products or services. Develop a new pricing strategy for one of these products or services. Provide a rationale for your new pricing strategy.
Generate at least two advertising and sales promotion strategies.
Select and outline a digital strategy. Provide a rationale for your strategy.
Design a plan to measure marketing performance. Provide a rationale for your strategy.
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