solved Foundations of Christian Belief Reading and Response Assignment 5 Worth

Foundations of Christian Belief Reading and Response Assignment 5 Worth 25 Points Due:Thursday, November 4 via email by 4:00 P. M. 500 word minimum for total assignments answers Read:Chapters 5 “Salvation” in “Theology, the Basics” Answer/Respond Did you read the assignment in detail?Give me a percentage such as, “Yes, Doug, I read 100% of Chapter Five in detail.What are some of the meanings of the Greek word, “Soteria.”How was the Cross event a sacrifice?How was the Cross event a victory?Explain the approach Anselm takes to the work of Christ which centers upon the rectitude of the created order (see pages 93-95)On page 99 we read that a 17th century Genevan Theologian by the name of Francois Turrettini identifies the threefold crisis of humanity as consisting of, “ignorance, guilt, and bondage to sin.”According to Turrettini, how does Jesus overcome these three crises?How does Charles Hodge view Jesus and how Jesus saved fallen humanity? (See bottom of page 99)Explain “Salvation as being righteous in the sight of God.” (See page 101)

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