solved To receive full credit, my response paper needs to include
To receive full credit, my response paper needs to include the following:1. Link response papers to material introduced to you in class (you have to discuss at least one concept in the readings and lectures and relate them back to the documentaries in the module).2. 1 full page/ 12-inch font/ 1 inch margins (300 plus words).I will attach all filesPlease complete the following assignments:1. Watch short lecture on Durkheim (9.27 minutes) Please Watch 8 Short video lessons on Durkheims work3. Russian Jesus (25 minutes) As you watch the documentary please keep in mind Durkheim’s understanding and perspective of the FUNCTION of religion in society. Remember, for Durkheim religion i.e God (totem)..are there because they allow us to create community aroud them……
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