solved Building on your work in the Module Two Assignment, populate
Building on your work in the Module Two Assignment, populate the last two sections in the template: Identified Gaps—Obstacles and The Way Forward—Action.Identify multiple obstacles based on your evaluation.Consider skill gaps, organizational culture, and
resources among other things.Explain whether a change to the goals is necessary
based on your evaluation.Have the identified obstacles impacted the goals
selected?Explain the desired future state based on your
evaluation.Consider potential impact on survey results over time,
the “why.â€Provide a few recommendations for the way forward
action plan.Propose action items you believe will close the gap
between the current state and the desired future state.Submit your answers in the GROW Model Template where you started the work in Module Two. If references are included, they should be cited in APA format. ***ALSO – ATTACHED WEEK 2 PT 1 SUBMISSION AS A GUIDE FOR CONTINUANCE TO DO PT 11 THIS WEEK***
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