solved watch this video then read my sleeping pattern summary and
watch this video then read my sleeping pattern summary and write a reflection about Which sleep theory do you think provides the most interesting explanation for why we sleep? What makes you choose that theory or why do you think the theory you chose provides the most interesting explanation?Review your sleep and dream journal from Self-Reflection 2. Based on your own sleep and dream journal and what you learned about sleep and dream theories/theorists (from the States of Consciousness Lecture Materials in Module 2), what do you think is the purpose that we dream and why? Consider the theories from the readings and lecture video from Module 2.If you agree with a theory, explain why. If you do not agree or think there are other reasons we dream that is not included in the presented theories, explain why you think we sleep and dream that may not be included in any of the presented theories. Must be at least 500 words and only use the video to Write the essay.
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