solved The purpose of this report is to assess research ability
The purpose of this report is to assess research ability and writing quality. Your group paper and presentation should be the result of the internal discussion and critical reflection of ALL team members around the thematic question posed, with specific reference to scholarly material when appropriate. Reports should be logically structured and provide theoretical perspectives that critically define the problem you are addressing. We divided the work between group members, so you have to focus on body paragraph section 1 which consist (4-6 paragraphs) Example of outlineSection one (4-6 paragraphs) The extent of the problem/ How bad is it?What has happenedWhy should we be concerned B. Who is affected/how are they affected?ExamplesStoriesFacts Here is a research question: 1. The UN sees the concept of human security as an investing in development and not arms. With this in mind, discuss the relationship between health and human wellbeing in the context of India.
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