solved Write an essay describing your experience. In the essay, includenotes
Write an essay describing your experience. In the essay, includenotes about the types of insects you observed. Can you identify their orders(if so,what characteristics are you using)? What orders were not observed? How do you think the biology of the insects affects whether or not they come to the light? Make sure to include a table like the one above in your essay.Now think about the broad scale implications of your observations. Do electric lights at night have a significant impact on insect populations? Should this impact be considered when placing lights? What do you think happens to the insects that are attracted to the lights?Bonus. Take a picture of some of the insects at the light and include it at the end of your essay.Your essay should be 1.5-2 written pages. Make sure to include your data tableand the picture for extra credit on page 3 (total limit of 3 pages). Include any references that you looked at as you considered this projectand your findings.
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