solved It is well-known that the media is a crucial source

It is well-known that the media is a crucial source of information in the United States and across the globe. However, whether intended or unintended, the media often reflects certain agendas, priorities and various ideological biases. For example, in the context of American politics, the pattern of partisan polarization is evident between lean democratic and lean republican media sources; in the context of world politics, due to different ideologies, the ways how medias from different countries report the same issue are divergent. In our information-saturated age fraught with biased values and ideologies, therefore, this assignment is designed to both sharpen your discernment skills and increase your critical analysis skills. Your assignment: Choose an issue that is getting wide press coverage. Find articles on this issue in several different newspapers or magazines (at least two sources). Compare the coverage in each one, and then write an essay in which you address the following questions: What elements of coverage framed the story in different ways? Analyze the summary of the story given in the first one or two paragraphs, the quotes selected from the persons interviewed, the amount of coverage given to both sides of the issue, and the use of headlines, leads, and photographs. Which source reported the issue most fairly, in your view? Why do you think so? Give examples to support your position. NOTE: Write no less than four full pages and nor more than six.This essay should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, font with 1” margins.Review the policy on academic integrity and plagiarism on the course policies page. There is a zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism in this class. See (and follow) other instructions below. There should be no spelling mistakes, typos, grammar mistakes, or syntax problems. Verbs should agree with subjects. Sentences should officially end before the next one begins. Don’t jump around among tenses. Never use “you.” Don’t capitalize nouns unless they’re supposed to be capitalized. Keep straight the difference between its and it’s, and between their, there and they’re. And never, ever use apostrophes for plural nouns. Cite every source, including your textbook. Include a separate works cited page.• You may use MLA, APA, or Chicago citation style, but be internally consistent.Do not use anonymous sources, e.g. Wikipedia.Spell-check will not catch all your spelling mistakes. There is no substitution for careful proofreading. Adhere to the deadline.

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