solved We are doing something a little different for this week
We are doing something a little different for this week and will continue with Ch 13 Conflict Resolution. Each student will watch the Conflict Resolution episode of the Office. the following questions:What conflicts have you identified in this episode? What happened, who was involved, and what are some of the issues?What are some of the root causes of conflicts- (refer to the iceberg of conflict)Which employees are the following, the Bully, Backstabber, Whiner, Know-it-all, Coward, Exploder, and why? In terms of resolving the conflict, who was assertive, aggressive, and non-assertive? Which negotiating styles were exemplified, explain (avoidance, accommodating, win/lose, problem solving, and compromising)Was the conflict resolution process completed? Which of the 5 steps needed improvement?Lastly, what did you think of the dynamic of the employees in this episode? Share any other thoughts. As always respond to one person, at least 50 words . ( see the attached file )