solved discussion activity for Part 2 of the Drama Simply review

discussion activity for Part 2 of the Drama 
Simply review the PowerPoint for Part 2 of the Drama Unit, and then respond to the discussion activities listed below. 
English 102 – Drama Slideshow Part 2.ppt
As a reminder, below are the 2 activities you must respond to in order to get full credit for this assignment.
Activity One:
Provide a brief description of Nora (the housewife)
Provide a brief description of Torvald (the provider)
Activity Two:
After close reading of Henrik Ibsens’s A Doll’s House(, please answer the following questions:
What is the significance of Torvald’s nicknames for Nora?
Is Nora a victim?
This play is categorized as a work of realism (depicts ordinary people leading ordinary lives). Do you think that’s an accurate categorization for this work?
What is the significance of Mrs. Linde in this play?
Nora’s character change occurs quite suddenly. Can you pinpoint what happens to make her change? Consult pages 909-912.

Do you think  it likely for Torvald to change at the end of the play? (917)

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