solved Topic: Should convicted felons in Texas be able to voteWhat

Topic: Should convicted felons in Texas be able to voteWhat does current Texas law state regarding voting rights ofCurrently incarceratedOn Probation/ paroleEx-Cons; Completed time & parole Opinion & 2 Reasons Why I believe the law should change or stay. Who may or may not benefit based on where I stand in my opinion. ex. political parties, Texas offices, impact politically/socially2 things I could do to change 3 citations from 1 from textbook no Wikipedia Chicago Manual Style link in syllabus parenthetical sources citation in bodyno foot notesworks cited/bibliography Typed double spaced -12pt fontKey Requirements:Addres Current Texas Law for VotingExplain If I believe any laws should be changed & 2 specific reasons why/why not?Describe who may/may not benefit from the laws i decided to change or keep the same. Who the law impact and affect it would have ( political parties, economic, political, social, minority groups, etc.)2 Things I personally could do support my position and engage political process ( write a letter, organize individuals to March, etc.)Must have at least 3 reliable references, 1 from textbook( author, book/year)

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