solved Presentation on Animal CommunicationIn this assignment you will present the

Presentation on Animal CommunicationIn this assignment you will present the communication system of an animal of your choice, which may include visual, tactile and chemical signals as well as vocal signals. (You can’t research an animal we’ve discussed in class, however.)You must do outside research and use at least two separate sources about your chosen animal; at least one source must be peer-reviewed. Synthesize what you find and present the information in terms of Tinbergen’s four questions, as we’ve done in class for frogs, birds, bees and non-human primates. You may optionally include relevant audio or video that you find online. Time permitting, there may be a question-and-answer period after each presentation, so be prepared to discuss the finer points of your research.The presentation should be between 4 and 5 minutes in length; it will be timed. Any audio or video you include may not take up more than 30 seconds of your presentation time. The final slide should include your cited sources in proper format.Your presentation will be graded on its content, logical structure, conciseness, clarity, completeness and adherence to the instructions.

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