solved This assignment is to help you understand and apply the

This assignment is to help you understand and apply the Conflict Model presented in the MyMedia. 
Prior to complete the assignment you need to complete the file called  “Thomas Kilmann Conflict Management Self-Assessment.”  It is one of the best in the area of conflict. Complete the first sheet and to find your results, click on the Scoring sheet tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.  You are to incorporate your results in the assignment A Conflict I have Experienced.
In addition to the MyMedia on Conflice, you should review the file called  “Thomas Kilmann Interpretation.”  One of the co-developers of the assessment has a very short video explaining the importance of understanding your conflict style.  It is under 5 minutes – take the time to watch it.  Kilmann talking about Conflict.
Graded Assignment — Once you have taken the self-assessment, you need to complete the Worksheet file on “A Conflict I Have Experienced Assignment” and submit it.
You are to walk through each Stage of the Model from Potential Opposition to the Outcomes. Initially you need to tell the story of the conflict and determine the type or types of conflict (see worksheet)
You should explain the not only the what – but the why.
Demonstrate that you understand the model
For example, for Stage 3 be sure you use the correct terminology for the conflict handling intentions. You should incorporate the results from the Thomas Kilmann self-assessment. Did you use the style(s) with which you are most comfortable, did you go outside of your comfort zone? In some way you are to incorporate your results.

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