NEXT STEPS IN RESEARCH PROJECT AFTER THE HYPOTHESIS1. Three research articles (research article is an article that has the following components: an abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, reference sheet)2. Summaries of each of the three research articles. 3. Combine the three summaries to create “Introduction” section of your research paper. It is in the “Introduction” section of your paper that you state what the “hypothesis” of your research project is. The articles you choose may be very difficult to readily comprehend and so, I suggest that you use the following step-by-step procedure to carry out or develop each summary.Carry out the steps that follow for each article.Get citation/reference information about the article such as the name of the author(s), the date of publication, the title, source of the article. That is, who is responsible for the work (article)?, what is the article called? Where can I retrieve the article (information about the publisher of the article}?What did the authors set out to investigate? What is the purpose of the study? What is the hypotheses of the study?What methods or procedures did the authors used to carry out their investigation? What methods or procedures did the authors used to find out whether there is evidence to support the purpose or hypotheses of the study?After carryout their study what did the authors find? What were the findings of the study? What were the results of their study? Did the findings of the study provide EVIDENCE that SUPPORT the purpose, hypotheses or what the authors set out to investigate?

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