solved I have this assignment due in 4 days but I

I have this assignment due in 4 days but I wanted to be finished earlier please so we don’t run out of time. And this is all the information the professor provided and please follow the information carefully while doing the assignment and if there is anything else please let me know. All written assignments are to be no more than 3-5 pages long (12-point Times New Roman font).You must use correct bibliographical references (following APA format).You may wish to refer to “A Guide for Writing Research Papers based on American Psychological Association (APA) Documentation” at and grammar are worth up to five points; your paper will be returned to you to correct without a grade if there are more than several errors per page.If you have problems with writing skills, see the instructor, who can refer you to resources on campus for help.Please use the template in Canvas for the assignment. #2:You are to observe either adolescents or young adults as they interact in small groups.Your observations should include people of color.You may go to a food court at a mall to do this or hang around campus where you see young adults interact with each other.Note meeting and greeting behaviors, as well as dress and speech patterns.How do male-female, female-female, and male-male greeting and communication differ?What differences did you observe in the interactions between people of color vs. people not of color?In your write-up, again, include whether your observations fit with developmental tasks as discussed by the theorists.You may also want to include your observations compared with your memories of yourself and friends at that age.

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