solved I need a 8 mins presentation draft for essay 3Around

I need a 8 mins presentation draft for essay 3Around 8 minutes each PresentationPresent your TOPIC + ANGLEDescription and rationale:In the final essay you will have more creative space. You will write an argumentative essay (research paper) addressing the discussions we have made throughout our course about the relation between decoloniality, the image, and the senses. You have two options to choose your object of study:Choose a film we studied from week 6 to week 9Pick a film / media object of your interest (choice needs to be justified)In your essay, you will be expected to address the relation between film and decoloniality, while bringing into your discussion at least one conceptual framework we have studied during the course (Rosalind Galt, Tina Campt, Silvia Cusicanqui, Debra Castillo, Maylei Blackwell). Please, be sure to develop and convey your argument in a clear way through an efficient and compelling critical reading of the films. Also, following our focus in the course, make sure to address the sensorial layers of the films (sound, visual construction, textures, color, movement, etc)week 6: Ixcanul (Jayro Bustamante, 2015) week 8 : History and Memory (Rea Tajiri, 1991)

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