solved Taking into consideration your instructor’s feedback, answer the questions below

Taking into consideration your instructor’s feedback, answer the questions below that are designed to help you think through your approach to revision of your draft, taking into consideration the goals of the project and the comments of your instructor.How can I make my definitions of discourse conventions and genre more complete? Is more evidence required? How can I make my explanations of the concepts more fully developed?What specific discourse conventions have I identified? Are they clearly and fully explained? Do the exemplars I supply to illustrate the discourse conventions I identify explicitly represent the conventions? Would more exemplars or more complete analysis of the exemplars illustrate the discourse conventions more fully? Be sure to address both your selected discourse community as well as the thematic content discourse community (personal branding and professional identity through the lens of LinkedIn).What specific genres have I identified for my selected discourse community and for the thematic content discourse community (personal branding and professional identity through the lens of LinkedIn)? Are they clearly and fully explained? Do the exemplars I supply to illustrate the genres I identify explicitly represent the genres? Would more exemplars or a more complete analysis of the exemplars illustrate the genres more fully?If I handed my essay to a friend, would the discourse conventions, genres, and exemplars I have included adequately characterize the type of discourse that circulates in my discourse community and for the thematic content discourse community (personal branding and professional identity through the lens of LinkedIn)? How can I make my characterizations more complete?Have I created a complete argument using the principles of academic writing?

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