solved In her activist reflection, Professor Jennie Luna’s writes: “Ethnic Studies

In her activist reflection, Professor Jennie Luna’s writes: “Ethnic Studies critically interrogates institutions and is an intellectual training ground for political engagement and active transformation of society” (90). Ethnic studies prioritizes the intellectual self-determination of students, their families, and their communities. Ethnic studies is a space for developing one’s social consciousness. Ethnic studies is a space within which students can sharpen their ethics and political principles. Ethnic studies encourages you to continue studying! This assignment invites you to plan for future study. Think of a specific issue, topic, or concept from the course materials—i.e. readings, lectures, screenings, and/or poetry—that has resonated with you or provoked your critical thinking. Which texts resonated with you or provoked your thinking and why? What issues, topics, or concepts would you like to explore beyond the introductory level? Compose an Annotated Bibliography for future study on a specific issue, topic, or concept. In other words, gather and curate a series of 4-5 texts (1-2 of the texts can be from our course syllabus, the additional 2-3 should be outside sources—i.e. scholarly peer-reviewed articles; online publications; films/videos/documentaries; lectures/talks; dialogues; poems; songs; etc.) that will help you dive deeper into the specific issue, topic, or concept from our Intro to Ethnic Studies course.Write a 500-750 word introduction that helps frame your materials and then for each text write a one-paragraph (7-8 sentences) annotation that summarizes the text and explains why this text is chosen in relation to your overall topic. The goal is to compose a brief bibliography that will help deepen your future study of a specific ethnic studies issue, topic, or concept. 

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