solved Can you help me understand this Business question? hi everyone
Can you help me understand this Business question?
hi everyone i need you to respond to these to post its discussion board ::1-Sustainable development is a concept that entails the use of resources now that does not prevent people in future generations from receiving the benefits of that particular resource. In other words, what we do now should not make it impossible for people in the future to also have what we have.For example, in recent years, saving paper has become a widespread notion that many of us attempt to do. The earth has a limited number of trees and forests, which are cut down to produce paper and wood products. However, trees do eventually grow back, as long as the resource isn’t exploited. The movement to save paper is an example of sustainable development because we’re still using paper, but are being mindful of our use of trees and forests, in order to allow future generations to be able to benefit from the use of paper as well.and this2-Sustainable development is the use of resources (now) that won’t hinder future generations from also being able to receive the same benefits of those resources. This can be seen through econmic and environmental changes. One example of this is in sub-saharan Africa through their improved water infrastructure by way of the Gold Standard Project. It provides clean drinking water to communities by repairing and drilling new boreholes. These communities now no longer need to purify water by boiling it, allowing them to use less firewoood, which alleviates the burden on their local forests and also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Besides just being a source of sustainable development, this project also grants good health and wellbeing, clean water and sanitation, and gender equality (women have more time to work as they spend less time collecting water and fuel).