solved In an essay of 900-1250 words, discuss the following: 1)

In an essay of 900-1250 words, discuss the following:
1) The elements that contributed to the rapid, successful spread of Islam among various populations;
2) The relationships between commerce (trade) and Islam;
3) The advancements accomplished within the Muslim world.
This essay will cover the period between the year 570 and 1250. Use dates in your essay.
You may only use five quotes total. These should be drawn from primary sources. The rest must be in your own words and cited. You should absolutely paraphrase and cite everything you say if it is not your original idea — that means, if you get information from somewhere and put it in your own words, put a parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence.
No outside sources at all.
You must use all the readings from this unit and cite them in parenthetical citation. Your parenthetical citation must include page numbers. A good way to cite the book is: (Strayer 2016, 257), for example. You must also cite the particular verses of the Quran you use, as in this example: (Quran 1:3) in which the first number is the chapter and the second is the verse. Do not just use the first line as it indicates you did not read the entire assignment. Make sure your use of our assigned Qur’an excerpts is appropriate to whatever it is you are saying.
It is important to demonstrate full reading. Just using and citing the beginnings of texts is not a good strategy. Be complete.
Do not skip a topic, and do not combine topics. Make sure paragraphs have discrete topics, and make sure each paragraph has its clear topic sentence. To help identify that sentence in each paragraph, please underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.
Tests should be unique and in the author’s own words. Tests will be scrutinized for academic integrity. The best recipe is simply to read and write your own essay.
As usual, follow course protocol.

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