solved I’m working on a nutrition multi-part question and need support

I’m working on a nutrition multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

1) A study looked at whether low-dose aspirin decreased heart attacks. The participants took either low-dose aspirin or a placebo for 5 years. The RR was 0.7. What was the exposure, and what was the outcome in this study? Interpret the RR.
2) Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of randomized controlled trials.
3) Name 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to using a cohort study design.
4) Explain what intention-to-treat analysis is and why it is used.
5) Describe two ways in which attrition may affect the quality of a research study.
6) Compare and contrast the following experimental designs: randomized controlled trials, crossover, factorial, and Solomon four group designs.
7) Designing a research study requires making a number of decisions – list at least 6 of these. 
8) Describe four characteristics of a descriptive correlational design.
9) Explain the three essential components of experimental designs.
10) Compare and contrast the prospective cohort, retrospective cohort, and case-control study designs.
11) Read the title for each study and then identify if the study is:
quasi-experimental, or
Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among 1.3 Million Adults with Overweight or Obesity, but Not Diabetes, in 10 Geographically Diverse Regions of the United States, 2012 – 2013. (          )
Identification of Patients with Diabetes Who Benefit Most From a Health Coaching Program in Chronic Disease Management. (Participants were randomly assigned to groups.)  (             )
Prevalence of Mindfulness Practices in the U.S. Workforce: National Health Interview Survey. (           )
A Cooking Intervention to Increase Vegetable Consumption by Parents with Children Enrolled in an Early Head Start Home Visiting Program. (Convenience sample.)  (             )
A Physical Activity Program and Changes in Body Mass Index in Middle School Physical Activity Classes with a Large American Indian Population, Oklahoma. (            )
Walking to Work: Trends in the United States, 2005 – 2014. (         )

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