solved It is going to be a research paper on evidence-based

It is going to be a research paper on evidence-based “best” practices or promising practices for impacting some social inequality.   Questions to guide the paper:  
What’s the social inequality that you want to address?  
If your social change strategy were to be successful, what would be its impact?
What social change strategy are you proposing to build on?
How will your proposed social change effort actually do? 
How do you envision addressing the “upstream” conditions that contribute to the existing social inequality?
What’s the scale of impact that you envision? 
Will you need an organizational infrastructure to support your proposed strategy, and if so, does 
You should be able to check off each item on the following list–that you’ve addressed that item in your alternative format or in a written supplement. 

Checklist that the paper needs: 
You demonstrate your understanding of a specific social inequality issue in contemporary Los Angeles, identifying the scale of your focus (ex., neighborhood-level, city, county) and the particular population(s) impacted. 
You demonstrate your sociological imagination to look upstream at the root causes and/or contributing factors of this social inequality. 
You clearly communicate what is the difference you want to make, and then, how you envision making that change happen. Your strategy for making a difference should link directly back to the scale of the social inequality issue (#1) and the underlying causes/factors #2). 
You clearly communicate how your social change strategy is grounded in an understanding of and respect for the specific people/communities most affected (and not a utilitarian, outsider-based “fix” of the “deficiencies” of the impacted population) 
You clearly communicate the resources, organizational infrastructure, or partners you would need to achieve your strategy for change. 
You clearly communicate how you would plan to evaluate if your strategy has produced your desired social change (and what would be the time frame appropriate to such an evaluation of your change strategy). 

I Will Attach the Following that Need to Be Used: 
-proposal and Idea (the End Has 3 References that Need to Be Used) 
-as Well as 3 Articles/books

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