solved Hello my friend I hope you’re doing well and safe
Hello my friend I hope you’re doing well and safe for this project it’s almost complete but it’s missing (make sure answer the question don’t try too much) first read the project and the review of related it’s missing as well as (Exploratory research conducted and its results) you will complete the two things thank you 🚩 Review of related literature.The nature of the topic will largely determine the type and amount of prior information available for review. Highly applied topics will fall on the scarce end of the continuum, whereas studies involving existing theory –and on which previous empirical work has been done– will be on the other end. Ideally, you will want to be somewhere toward the middle. In short, you don’t want to do an exhaustive review of all the available literature on a topic like capital budgeting or resort to a few newspaper clippings.Bearing that in mind, is the review reasonably comprehensive? You are generally required to provide at least 10 references from multiple sources, including company reports, scholarly journals, newspapers, and magazines. If you cannot do so for some reason, you must discuss it with me. The review should NOT just be a summary of studies, e.g. “study 1 said this; study 2 said this…etc.†It should be a synthesis of the research—have references been critically analyzed and the results of various studies compared and contrasted? Is the review well-organized? Does it logically flow in such a way that the least-related references to the problem are discussed first and the most-related references discussed last? Does the review conclude with a brief summary of the literature and its implications for the problems investigated? Do the implications discussed form an empirical or theoretical rationale for the research questions and objectives that follow? 🚩 (Exploratory research conducted and its results). What kind of exploratory/qualitative research was conducted to define the problem? Why did you choose particular techniques for exploratory analysis and not others? What were the results? What did you learn? Be detailed here. Provide any interview or focus group protocols (question guides) and transcripts in an appendix.How did the results of exploratory analyses lead you to formulate specific research objectives? What did the exploratory research add to your secondary research?