solved Your Theory Integration Paper is intended to illustrate the use

Your Theory Integration Paper is intended to illustrate the use of theory in practice.
Introduction: Introduces the reader to the paper and intent.  
Case description: Clearly delineates a case from practice. Describes the case in terms of onset, time, outcome, and significance.  
Theory/Model Description:  Describes the theory or model, sufficiently paying attention to  concepts of the theory. The reader achieves an understanding of the  gestalt of the model.

Theory/Model Integration with Case:  Reader is introduced to the concepts that emerge from the case.  Concepts are easily identifiable from the case. The reader is introduced  to the relationships among the concepts and events or phenomena in the  case, and the interrelationships of those is attended to when  appropriate.  

Summary/Conclusion: A narrative summary of the paper is included that again illustrates the applicability of the theory/model to practice.  
Please use book for reference (listed below, either one) plus one more reference within 5 years.

Required: McEwen, M. & Wills, E. M. (2017) Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 9781496351210
Recommended: Alligood, M. R. (2018) Nursing theorists and their works (9th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 978032302248.

Your paper should:

Three-page  (4 pages max) paper where you consider a true clinical case and write  about how the components of a chosen theory fit within the context of a  clinical scenario.

Provide a brief introduction. Be creative and be sure to capture your audience by making the introduction compelling.
Describe a case from your personal experience.  The case may be clinical, leadership, teaching, or another applicable  real-life scenario. Do not include names or identifying information.
Briefly describe a theory/model that fits your case. Do not create a paper describing a theory or model! Your paper is intended to tell us about how the model works through a case example.
Discuss the concepts from the model and how they integrate into the case as it unfolds.  Describe the relationships among the model concepts. This is where the  bulk of your paper should be focused. Be sure to be clear and logical in  the sequencing of your message.
Briefly summarize the paper. Give special attention to the applicability of the model to practice


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