solved This week we continue probing the Problem of Evil through
This week we continue probing the Problem of Evil through reading and commentingon Ellie Wiesel’s NIGHT. Prepare to be shocked by the Human Condition therein. Lastspring a new study came out on the complicity of the neighbors who helped round upthe Jews that they had lived alongside for generations… Germany and in Poland.Besides pleasing the NAZI officials, what seemed to drive the assistance was the opportunity to gain a cow, the dishes, the jewelry, the land…..the material leavingsof their neighbors. Judy Chicago explored the complacency of the neighbors who livednear the death camps and how they could not have avoided the stench and the activitiesof those camps. She made images which illustrated the banality of that evil, and thenshocked everyone when she also added animal experimentation and images of the feedlots.Here’s the prompt for Response 5:Read Elie Wiesel’s NIGHT and observe instances of human evil that came intohis life from 1944 through 1945. Summarize as best you can how Elie Wiesel as a young man witnessed unspeakablecrimes against humanity and wrestled with his faith in trying to come to terms withwhy God didn’t seem to be doing anything to prevent the carnage and the cruelty. You can include PARAPHRASE or a DIRECT QUOTE in your summary.Respond from your own reader’s experience (sometimes this means responding theexperience itself; otherwise, respond to the writing or the information that has beenpresented). How does Wiesel manage to give this story so much life and presence? Can you empathize with Wiesel’s loss of faith and the theological implications of thequestions he raises? How does his account compare with other Holocaust literatureyou may have read?For further pondering (not required):Never Again. When I visited The Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. in 2012, I learnedthe mission of the museum as a place of remembrance is to ensure that somethinglike the NAZI death camps could never happen again. How did those who perpetratedthe genocide conducted by the Third Reich justify their actions? What human impulsesand ideas were behind their actions? How did religion contribute to climate of justification?And lest we forget, genocide has happened again and again in the meantime…..Cambodia,Rwanda, Darfur, Bosnia, Nigeria/Biafra, and now maybe Syria. So do we as a human societyhave the will and the means to prevent Never Again?