solved The purpose of this course is not simply to accumulate

The purpose of this course is not simply to accumulate knowledge about the concepts associated with the concepts of justice and how these apply/affect communities. The primary purpose is to develop a new lens through which to view established and frequently accepted systems of justice, determine the values and assumptions they are predicated on and their potential effectiveness. This new lens also provides a means to assess whether or not systems reflect one’s own values and assumptions. Criminal Justice is a prevalent topic in popular media (television, film, literature etc.). For the purposes of this assignment, you are to select one of three documentaries to view. “Herman’s House” is available on YouTube. “Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story” and “13th” are both on Netflix.Assignment breakdown: For the purpose of this assignment, you are to watch one of the documentaries and write a review/critique of the documentary through a restorative community-based lens. Your critique must address the following: 1. What are the assumptions and values you identify that relate to victims, offenders, communities, trauma, shame, etc.? Tie in theories from the course. 2. What restorative assumptions and values are missing? 3. Do you believe that this portrayal of the system has an impact on viewers’ faith in the system and their perception of its effectiveness? ï If so, describe the impact and comment on whether it contributes to a positive, negative or neutral influence on the general public’s perception of the criminal justice system and its effectiveness. ï If not, provide rationale for why you believe the portrayal of the system does not to influence an individual’s perceptions.This assignment is to be 5 pages in length (not including references & cover page), double spaced, Times New Roman 12 font. Please include the documentary title in your cover page. Grading will be according to how well the paper: ï Draws on specific details from the documentaryï Correctly identifies and describes underlying assumptions and values ï Clearly critiques the movie from the perspective of a restorative world view. ï Draws a logical connection from watching the documentary to its potential impact on a viewer’s perception of justice. Although you are only referencing course material for this assignment, bibliography and citations are required.You have to reference these two books in the paper:Zehr, Changing Lense, Amstutz, MacRae & Pranis The Big Book of Restorative Justice

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