solved I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.

Directions: Respond to five of the following questions using at least one (1) paragraph in your response. (Only the first five will be graded) You should use the text Human Learning, by J.E. Ormrod as the primary source for your responses, although other sources may be used as supplementary sources. You must cite those sources in some way if you use them. You should plan your response so that a “naive reader” could understand what you are explaining, That means that you should write so that someone who knows nothing about this topic would understand your response to the question. You should also write as a person who is writing in an academic setting, using your best “wordsmithing” skills. The rubric you see below will be used to grade your responses.

At least four distinct forms of encoding have been theorized to exist in long-term memory:

Encoding in terms of physical characteristics
Encoding in terms of actions
Encoding in terms of symbols
Encoding in terms of meanings

For each of these four forms of encoding,
1.a explain how information is stored in long-term memory, and
1.b give an example to illustrate your explanation.
2. Explain what theorists mean when they say that long-term memory is associationistic. Describe two different theoretical models regarding how long-term memory might be organized.
3. Describe three of the following perspectives regarding concept learning, and compare and contrast them regarding their usefulness in explaining how people acquire concepts:

Buildup of associations
Hypothesis testing

4. Choose a concept with which you are familiar, and imagine that you have to teach that concept to a classroom of students. Describe the concept that you will teach, then explain five specific things you could do to help students learn the concept.
5. Describe what contemporary psychologists mean by the terms schema, script, personal theory, and worldview, and explain how each of these can influence learning and memory. Use concrete examples to illustrate your discussion
6. Research tells us that students’ misconceptions about a topic are often quite resistant to change, yet sometimes misconceptions must change if students are to acquire an accurate understanding of the world around them.
6a Describe three different reasons that psychologists have offered as to why students’ misconceptions are sometimes resistant to change.
6b Describe at least five different teaching strategies that theorists and researchers believe might help students change their misconceptions about the world. 

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