solved Analyzing existing healthcare policy, guidelines and mandates informs how we

Analyzing existing healthcare policy, guidelines and mandates informs how we understand the direction of our healthcare delivery system and ways to improve our benefits, services, and health outcomes.Depending on your choice of topic, for this assignment, you may want to explore guidelines/policy/mandates from CMS, CDC, state and federal oversight of long-term care facilities to analyze two existing policies and to make one policy recommendation.Here are some links to read more about policy analysis: 5 Step Policy AnalysisUse the following case studies for your policy analysis:High Cost of Childbirth in the United StatesNow that you have gotten to the root cause of the high cost of childbirth in the U.S., now try to explore what policy solutions are available to control cost. You may consider policies used in other countries for solutions. 1) IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM: What is the problem? – Provide a brief background of the healthcare issue. (one paragraph) 2) WHAT DOES THE SITUATION NEED? This is the equivalent of a “criterion” for solving the issue (federal oversight, municipal guidelines, structural reinforcement, FEMA funding, logistical, punitive measures, inoculation)? Consider what will happen if there is no effective policy intervention for the issue. (one paragraph) 3) What are TWO EXISTING POLICIES currently available to prevent this tragedy from happening again or improving future health outcomes? (use evidence-based information and policy/guidelines support). (the equivalent of 1 ½ pages) Some birthing centers are bundling costs as a way to make childbirth more affordable. Some insurance and Medicaid programs cover Doula support to help pregnant women guide the healthcare system.4) What POLICY SOLUTION DO YOU RECOMMEND to prevent this healthcare disaster from happening again. Your policy recommendation could be one of the policies that you have described in section #3 or maybe you have a new idea that will be more effective. (the equivalent of half a page)5) How would you EVALUATE the EFFECTIVENESS of what you recommended in section #4 to know if it’s working: if so, what are you going to measure for effectiveness? (a paragraph)Use 7th edition APA style – cover page, brief introduction, body of paper, brief conclusion, bibliographyUse at least FIVE external sources beyond materials providedWriting must be clear and concise.DO NOT USE QUOTES. Summarize and cite, instead.Body of paper: 4 pages.Double spaced, 12 pt fontSave document with your name in titleUpload into Safe AssignI have attached a sample paper below

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