solved EvaluationEvaluationPurpose and DirectionsThe final major project asks you to rework

EvaluationEvaluationPurpose and DirectionsThe final major project asks you to rework and revise your position paper. This reworking of your position paper will involve you selecting a new genre (type of text) and a new target audience.For example, if you wanted to speak to city hall at a town meeting in regards to your equity event topic, a presentation might be a good genre choice for your remixed position. Another option is a brochure that outlines the equity event topic and your position on it and could be handed out on campus or at an event to help raise awareness about the equity event.The genre you choose is up to you. Genre choices include but are not limited to: a website, a memo, a formal business letter, a formal report or white paper, an infographic, a PSA video, a presentation, a newspaper article, a magazine article, etcIn all four of these areas—situation, audience, mode, and medium—you will make important decisions about the direction that your writing will take and you will make carful changes—including the cutting of text and the addition of qualifiers—to your earlier position. Your main goal with this project is to actually craft your position paper into a new genre (type of text) with a new audience. Formatting RequirementsUltimately, your reworked position will exceed the written word in its mode or media, which means whatever type of text you decide to create, it should be multimodal (include images and text). ObjectivesThis assignment supports the course goals by allowing you to:Adapt positions so that you can attempt to make change in the worldCraft a multimodal text for a specific audienceEvaluationThis project will be graded on how well the reworked composition: Shows that information about the position and about the medium have been evaluated to inform the composition Reworks information from your position paper in a way that rhetorically addresses a needDemonstrates careful attention to situation and audience, modes and mediaCompellingly moves content beyond the written wordUses recognizable conventions that are characteristic of the chosen situation, audience, mode, and medium throughout the compositionPossesses few errors that do not interfere with meaning-makingRubricundefinedTakes work/research from position paper and turns it into a new genre of writing that is targeted at a new audience.Genre chosen adheres to the genre conventions (for example, if student chose a newsletter, his/her submission looks like a newsletter)WritingMechanicsTarget audience is clearAPA references page is included for sources used in projectAudienceThis piece will be public-facing and you will identify the stakeholders/audience for whom you will craft your project.

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