solved Scroll through this collection of photographs about pointlessly gendered productshttps://www.

Scroll through this collection of photographs about pointlessly gendered products (Links to an external site.)Take note of which ones really strike you, which you feel very attached to or invested in, or which you find particularly ridiculous.Watch this animated short about pointlessly gendered behaviorsReflect on your own childhood socialization around gender and how your own gender was policed by those around you. What specific moments or incidents can you remember?Read two short blog posts and then look through a bunch of photographs about historical changes in gendered meanings (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)What is surprising about these images? How do they disrupt taken-for-granted ideas about masculinity?Scroll through these two sets of images about gender representations (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)When I have shown these in class, students often laugh. Why are they funny? Why do we laugh when it is men portrayed like this but not when women are portrayed like this? What does that tell us about the constructions of masculinity and femininity in the U.S.?Read two short articles about research on gender representations in children’s literature (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Think about the pop culture you consume and the gender constructions you see. Think about the findings about children’s books. How do you think such representations affect how kids think about their own futures?Reflect on what you learned in these links and write a discussion post (8 points)Write at least 200 words that reflect on what you learned here about the social construction of gender and that make connections to the ideas in “Regulating the Action”–side bets, identity stakes, nets of accountability, hegemonic masculinity, manhood acts or privilege payoffs. Your post should be specific enough, though, to demonstrate that you have explored each of the links posted here. Use the links here and ideas in the reading to reflect on why people actively enforce gender distinctions so aggressively and why they are so invested in gender distinctions. You are welcome to use screenshots in your post if you want to illustrate any of your comments with an example

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