solved Week 3 Discussion ForumWe often hear claims that “seem” credible

Week 3 Discussion ForumWe often hear claims that “seem” credible and the sources of these claims can also seem credible at least at first glance. Analyze the credibility of media sources:Do you believe that all media sources are credible? Why or why not?Why should we (or should we not) question the credibility of the information that is presented to us from media sources?In addition to your initial post, you must also post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Provide an analysis of your peers’ post. Build on their examples and explanations to extend meaningful discussionBenjamin LaiI do not believe that all media sources are credible because there is typically a bias when it comes to the media that is being presented. I believe that certain stories have some priorities than others and may be given more detail than other stories. One example where this occurs most often is during the election period where the news stations typically portray a sense of bias towards the political group that they favor.We should always question the credibility of the information that is presented to us from media sources because of the certain biases that they may have. We also should determine if the news that we are presented comes from a source that portrays a sense of accurate information or else we would be left with information that may not come from a reputable source and may just be someone’s opinion rather than a fact.Stephanie LeePersonally, I do not believe that all media sources are credible. I feel that information can be misinterpreted wrong or intentionally be misused. For example, college students are taught that when looking for credible sources to not rely on Wikipedia. Reason being, that website can be changed by anyone. Thus, the information can be inaccurate which can result in you receiving a bad grade. As students our professor’s guide us to use credible sources such as the school library, textbooks, and websites (that contain edu, gov, and org). Such resources can provide information that not only educates us but is indeed accurate and that is back up with evidence. According to Moore and Parker (2020) it states that, “We are automatically suspicious of certain sources of information. We’ll look at several factors that should influence how much credence we give to a source” (p. 111). I felt that this statement spoke to me because, this is how I think when searching for credible sources for my assignments or when I write a paper. By not having credible information this can lead to people arguing over nothing. Which can result into massive disputes and potentially something more destructive that can cause harm to others.ReferenceMoore, B. N., & Parker, R. (2020). Critical thinking (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. Reply

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