solved Final: Short essay questions (20 pts. each):Answer each of the

Final: Short essay questions (20 pts. each):Answer each of the questions as completely as necessary. The responses should be at least 300 words per question in total (Question 1, for example, should be at least 300 words all together) — you may need to write more for some of the questions. Post the final below — spell and grammar check before posting your responses. ail. When answering these questions be sure to check the Course Units first, then the readings.1. Cinematography:a) Explain the difference between the following shots using examples from a film — explain what effect these have on the narrative and the audience (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 1):-Extreme Long Shot:-Medium Shot:-Close Up Shot:-Extreme Close Up Shot:b). What effect does a Point-of-View shot have on the narrative and the audience? Use an example from a film.c). Why are Long-Takes used in some films? What impact do they have on the narrative and the audience?2. Editing consists of creating relationships between juxtaposed images. Explain (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 2):o what each of the following relations consists of,o the effect the relation might have on an audience, ando provide an example from a film for each.a) Graphic Relations:—b) Rhythmic Relations:—c) Spatial Relations:—d) Temporal Relations:—3. Indicate conventions of character, plot / theme, and iconography that are distinctive of Film Noir, and explain how these are utilized in the film noir you viewed. Provide examples from specific scenes in a film, explaining their possible effects on audiences (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 3).i) Character:ii) Theme / Plot:iii) Iconography:4. Documentary Films (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 4):Explain what a Rhetorical documentary is? What are some of its characteristics? Provide examples from Prelude to War.Why is Trust a central component of Documentary Films? Explain the relationship that exists between the audience, the filmmaker, and the subjects of the film.5. What are the differences between diegetic, non-diegetic, internal, and external sounds in films? Give specific examples from films viewed throughout the semester and explain the function of such sounds. Explain how the use of these sounds, separately and in combination, allows for a greater emotional impact on the audience (300 words min. in total for all parts of question 5).-Diegetic: -Non-diegetic: -Internal: -External:Extra Credit (5 points):Since the beginning of the semester, we have been looking at the relationship that the form and style of a film has to its content. Explain why the way that a film tells a story is as important, if not more important, than the story itself. Use films discussed in class as examples. Be as specific as possible (300 words min.).

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