solved FALL 2021 COMPOSITION 102: FORMAL PAPER #1 Rough Draft (Hard

Rough Draft (Hard Copy) Due: Monday 10/25/21
Final Draft Due: Wednesday 10/27/21
In “Total Eclipse,” writer Annie Dillard describes the thrilling, beautiful, and terrifying experience of
witnessing the rare event known as a total eclipse. How do the autobiographical descriptions of her
experiences resonate with the ideas of the sublime as explored in the excerpts from Burke’s “A
Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful”? In other words, in
what ways does “Total Eclipse” evoke the sensations, images, concepts, nature, etc. of the sublime as
envisioned and conveyed in Burke’s text?
When writing your body paragraphs, you can either: 1. Briefly mention the chosen Burke idea (through direct quote or paraphrasing) and then delve
into an analysis of that term through Dillard’s text, or– 2. Analyze both the Dillard and Burke texts in-depth. However, each body paragraph must:
1. Analyze Dillard 2. At least mention the relevant Burke idea via quotation or paraphrasing
Your paper should be 4-5 pages long, typed, double-spaced, and in a standard 12-point font.
Here are crucial points to keep in mind as you begin planning and writing your paper:
● Plan your essay before you begin writing. This will greatly facilitate the organization and
cohesive flow of your paper. ● Keep in mind that your essay should propose a thesis, be framed with topic sentences, and offer
analysis and textual support. Remember that it should be well-organized and grammatically
correct. Be sure to save enough time and energy to proofread your essay. â—‹ State a topic sentence for each body paragraph, and ensure that each paragraph flows
smoothly into the next. â—‹ State your thesis and three main supporting points in a clear and concise manner in
your introductory paragraph. ● Dig deeper into the referenced texts by using direct quotations and examples from the text. ● Delve into an analysis of the author’s words. ○ As always, be careful not to simply summarize what the author has to say or use the
question as a springboard for a personal response. Maintain close contact with the
specific prompt question and the specific text, and keep in mind the important
concepts and guidelines we’ve discussed thus far in class. ○ Do not simply state examples and leave them hanging. Do not simply summarize the
text; complete each thought. Ask yourself: Why is this example or quote relevant to an
answering of the prompt?
● Reference the rubrics to ensure your essay meets all listed criteria to the best of your abilities.
● Keep in mind that focus yields more depth of analysis, while too broad of a viewpoint creates
generalizations and shallow points.
● Do not simply restate what was discussed in class. Further analyze what we discussed, and
develop new viewpoints with greater detail

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