solved assignment one:Your paper for this assignment should be approximately 1

assignment one:Your paper for this assignment should be approximately 1 1/2 pages.Go to the following website (use word link or URL below) and watch the video of Kaleb on the playground. As you watch the video, make observation notes of Kaleb’s actions and behaviors.Results Matter Series: Video Clip — Kaleb on the Playground (opens in a new window)… After watching the video, type answers to the following two questions:1) Kaleb appears to be 3 – 4 years old. What do you notice about his behavior? How does it compare to typical 3 – 4 year old children? Is there any aspect of his behavior you would be concerned about?2) What are some strategies you might use to assist Kaleb to be more included with the other children and to practice and develop social and communication skills? Describe at least three specific strategies/activities. Consider topics covered in this course (benefits of inclusion; adaptive technology; teaching strategies such as embedded learning, etc.), the two articles, “Making Friends” and “Play for Children with Severe and Profound Disabilities”, and the ideas for co-active play posted under Readingsassignment two: No required format. Just complete in separate word document than first assignment. Quick discussion board post, 2 paragraphs max. Review the attached notes (“EDU221.Notes.DisabilityHandicap.doc”) regarding the terms “disability” and “handicap” from earlier in the semester. Discuss the following:Why is it important to know the difference in meaning between these two terms?How can knowing the difference between these two terms affect our work with young children with special needs in early childhood classrooms? Please give specific examples incorporating what you have learned this semester (e.g., about assessment, inclusion, assistive technology, teaching strategies, etc.)assignment three:MLA format. complete in separate word document than first two assignments. one paragraph for each question is fine. The Teachers Viewpoint Behavior ProblemsFrom what you have learned over the semester and the chapter readings, review the scenario and answer the questions:Jessica is a first-year, first-grade teacher who has 21 students in her class. During reading time, she has divided the class into three groups. Parent volunteers assist her with the two groups she is not working with. She struggles to keep the students focused. There is at least one group that is always arguing or being disrespectful to the parent volunteers. One student in particular has been sent to the office on a weekly basis due to her outbursts and a lack of respect. 1) What strategies might Jessica use to regain control of the classroom when she is working with a group?2) What type of data might she use to measure improvement?3) What strategies might Jessica employ to address the needs of the disruptive student?

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