solved Watch: “Robert Bell Mythos vs. Logos in the Bible”

Watch: “Robert Bell Mythos vs. Logos in the Bible” (Links to an external site.)
Initial Post: In “Mythos vs. Logos in the Bible,” Rob Bell states that “science and faith are long lost dance partners.”  While he praises the accomplishments of science, and commends the use of “logos” language, he argues for the need to retrieve “mythos” language, which is the language favored by faith and religion.  Indeed, at one point he states that “mythos” describes the “more than literally true.”  In doing so, he tries to point out the fact that some experiences are often too big for just a logical description.  In two paragraphs (each paragraph is to consist of no more than 4-5 sentences), respond to the following questions:  In the first paragraph, identify some (3-4) of the human experiences that would qualify for description in “mythos” language, explaining why they often require a “more than literally true” description.  In the second paragraph, identify one experience in your own life that, in your opinion, is best talked about in “mythos” language, and why that is the case. 
PART 2: ( I will send it after you finish the first part)
In your second post, in a single paragraph (no more than 4-5 sentences), identify at least one of the human experiences listed by a classmate that you had not considered as qualifying for description in “mythos” language.  Explain why you agree, or do not agree with that identification.

In your second post, in a single paragraph (no more than 4-5 sentences), identify at least one of the human experiences listed by a classmate that you had not considered as qualifying for description in “mythos” language. Explain why you agree, or do not agree with that identification.

Post Response
My classmate post: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
As a caseworker, I ask clients for the facts, “who, what, when, where, and why”. While I am rapidly typing or scribbling their responses about why they are homeless, addicted to drugs, or have lost custody of their children, I am also listening for their emotions. I am also listening for indicators of low self esteem, mental trauma, or poor adapting skills. A client won’t say that they have these problems necessarily, but in their use of words, they can illustrate their pain and heartache. Part of my job is to demonstrate this in their case notes using the famous words, “as evidenced by”.
One experience in my life that cannot be easily defined in factual language is my decision to return to my Christian faith. I can give facts about things in my life that were not going well, but on the surface of my life, several things were going quite well. My career in the casino was advancing, yet I could not find anything that gave me a sense of either purpose or joy. By describing the emptiness I felt surrounded by, it becomes easier to explain why I wanted to return to religion. 

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