solved Hello, this is a discussion post therefore make sure to

Hello, this is a discussion post therefore make sure to answer the questions of the discussion while maintaining more of a casual writing including your own opinion. I’ve inserted both the lecture (for background info) and the video (for the discussion.)Here’s the instructions : Discussion Forum: Applying Social Theory to Online Learning Amid the global pandemic, many schools have transitioned to online learning.First, read the article on the Rise of Online Learning During the Pandemic. (Links to an external site.) and watch this clip:Then, apply either structural functionalist theory or conflict theory to this topic. In other words, how would structural functionalist theory OR conflict theory view the topic of online learning, especially amidst a pandemic? [You only need to select one theory. You do not need to apply both theories.]Second, provide feedback to two of your classmates’ posts. Offer suggestions on anything they may have missed. How can they improve their application of the theory. Is their understanding of the theory correct, or what is missing? Did they properly apply the theory to the topic of online learning amidst a pandemic? If so, what did they do good or what may be missing?Make it around 300 words

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