solved Press StatementIn this first module, you began by viewing the

Press StatementIn this first module, you began by viewing the Youtube video, Seattle is Dying, which helped you to start thinking about the problems of homelessness and drugs and how the criminal justice system, through policing, courts, and corrections, has addressed the issue. The final assignment for this module asks you to draft a written statement that would, hypothetically, be released to the public addressing the problems of homelessness and drugs. In addition to researching this issue, view the videos presented by the Governor of Louisiana and the Governor of Kentucky both of which discuss criminal justice reform from their State’s perspective. Also, read Controlling Crime: The Classical Perspective in Criminology (Pages 94-96). (Links to an external site.)Gov. Edwards’ Press Conference on Criminal Justice ReformTime: 32:53 minsClosed-captionedCriminal Justice Reform Press ConferenceTime: 42:14 minsTranscriptsFor this assignment, you will put yourself in one of the following roles: Chief of Police,District Attorney, orDepartment of Corrections DirectorFrom the perspective, you have chosen, create a press statement that addresses the problems of homelessness and drugs. For example, if you choose the Chief of Police, you will discuss the effects homelessness and drugs have on policing and how it can be addressed. If you choose the District Attorney, you will relate the homelessness/drug problems to the court system. And if you choose the Department of Corrections Director, you will tie the homelessness/drug problem to corrections.Over the next eight weeks, you will have similar activities where you will be asked to choose a role. However, for each activity, you will need to choose a different role than you have previously so that you can view criminal justice issues from each perspective. Once you have chosen your role, you will need to prepare a press statement that you would hypothetically present to the public. Write a statement that addresses the problem of homelessness and drugs from the perspective of the role/component you have chosen. In writing your press statement, a rule of thumb is to address the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the issue. Include the following in your statement: What is the problem? What are the explanations for the cause of the problem? What are you proposing to address the problem? What are the ethical issues? How will your proposal affect your workforce? How will your proposal affect the other two components of the criminal justice system? Be sure to also consider the breaking news of protests in Seattle. How does this event impact your component of the criminal justice system in conjunction with the ongoing homelessness/drug problem in Seattle? How does this event impact the other two components? Remember to use academic research as support when possible. Peer-reviewed journal articles, government websites, and think tanks can provide valuable insight.

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