solved Gatherin and analyse information (qualitative data) on a product’s target

Gatherin and analyse information (qualitative data) 
on a product’s target market, to gain an in-depth understanding of how a consumer 
goes through each stage of their decision making process.
You are required to interview two people who have purchased the same product
within the last six months. This product can be either a good or a service. (Your 
interviews can also be conducted over the phone, via Zoom, Skype where needed.
In this case, you will need to send the informed consent form to your interviewee, 
have them sign it, and return it to you).
In your assignment you will examine the answers to your interviews in relation to the 
different concepts of the decision-making process. The information that you have 
gathered will also be used in Assignment 2.
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to ask each of your interviewees to complete and sign 
the Informed Consent form, which is located on the MySCU site, before you begin 
the interview. You need to ensure your interviewees sign the Informed Consent 
Form. Assignments submitted without the completed signed informed consent forms 
will not be marked until they are submitted. 
Part 1. Background information on the product/service/organisation selected
Provide a brief background to the product you have chosen, and include a brief 
discussion on the brand/s.
Part 2. Primary research (40%) 
Interview two consumers who have purchased the same product (good or service) in 
the last six months. It can be the same brand or different brands. 
Based on your findings from the interviews you need to discuss the following:
1. What was purchased2. Discuss the kind of purchase it was (habitual, limited, extended) and whether 
it was a low involvement or high involvement decision
3. The decision making process for each of the interviewees. Your discussion 
will need to include:
1. A clear overview of the problem 
2. What was involved in the information search
3. The evaluative criteria and the consideration set of the consumer and 
how the consumer made their decision
4. Where and how it was purchased and the environmental triggers 
happening at this stage of the decision making process
5. What happened at the post evaluative stage.
Part 3. Compare the primary research with academic literature (25%)
How does the behaviour of your interviewees compare with consumer behaviour 
literature? This section of the assignment requires you to discuss your interview 
findings with evidence from relevant literature by referring to at least three different
current academic peer reviewed articles. Discuss any differences between your
findings and analysis with that of the literature.
Part 4. Summary of the purchasing behaviour (15%)
Based on your discussion from Part (2), which stage of the decision making process 
appeared to be the most important for each of the interviewees? Why?
Presentation, clear structure, referencing, communication, integration of 
theory (10%).

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