solved…COM 311 – Guest Speaker Reaction Paper S…COM 311 – Guest Speaker Reaction Paper Speaker Reaction Papers – For these two (2) papers, you will need to sign up to write about a guest speaker this semester. For these papers, you should choose an idea, issue or question raised by the speaker that you believe is important to the speaker or central to the class’s topic in some way, and write a reaction paper on it, reflecting on your thoughts and reactions to what the speaker presented. You must discuss relevant course concepts appropriately in your reaction paper as they pertain to what the speaker said, and/or your reactions to the speaker. You must also cite at least one of the required readings from the course. You have a lot to choose from, and can feel free to incorporate any of the research articles or information from the textbook. Be sure to provide an APA style in-text citation whenever appropriate and provide a separate References list. An example of what you could write about is: What do I think of the speaker’s experiences as a patient or provider? You may also want to tie the speaker’s presentation to your personal experience, such as: How does my personal experience either confirm or deny what the speaker presented? This assignment is intended to foster critical thinking and reflection with regard to the speaker’s presentation as well as course readings and topics. These papers should be about 2-3 double-spaced pages in length (not including title page and references). Note: rather than summarizing what the speaker had to say, try to focus on your own personal reaction to what they had to say, what resonated with you, what stood out as interesting/shocking/etc. These papers are due on the due date listed in the course schedule. Each reaction paper is worth 40 points. Additional information: ï‚· Reflection on the stories, observations, and opinions of the guest speaker ï‚· Mention whether you agree or disagree with certain issues expressed during their presentation ï‚· You may also incorporate your own stories and opinions in your paper ï‚· Be sure to clearly address any questions, comments, or observations presented during the speaker’s presentation in your reaction paper Grade considerations: ï‚· Did you react to the story more than you summarized what was going on? ï‚· Did you organize and format the paper appropriately (length, Grammar, spelling, punctuation)? Each reaction paper must be submitted on Canvas a maximum of 1 week following your speaker’s presentation. You are responsible for keeping track of the speaker you signed up for and when your paper is due. Reaction papers will be graded using the following rubric (20 points possible): 40 Superior work that exceeds all expectations 36 Excellent work that meets all expectations 32 Good work that meets all expectations 29 Average work that meets most, but not all expectations 26 and below Work does not meet expectationsundefinedundefined

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