solved Check to ensure you have done all of the below:Your

Check to ensure you have done all of the below:Your posts need to be original and add something new to the discussion that hasn’t been said by a groupmate.Make sure you have met the minimum word requirements for each postat least 150 words for Part 1; at least 100 words for Part 2APA citations and references are not required for discussion posts.Write in complete sentences. Proofread your post to ensure you have fully answered all the discussion questions in a nonjudgmental manner and have not made any typos or grammar errors.Adolescent Egocentrism While adolescents’ cognition has come a long way since birth, they still do not have the cognitive ability of an adult. A particularly interesting aspect of adolescent cognition is adolescent egocentrism. Chapter 9 in our textbook introduces you to adolescent egocentrism and in our Chapter 9 lecture you learn about 3 types of adolescent egocentrism (imaginary audience, personal fable, and invincibility fable).For this discussion you need to come up with 1 clear example for each of the 3 types of adolescent egocentrism discussed in lecture. These must be original examples, not ones that were discussed in the textbook or lecture or ones that your groupmates have already shared. To come up with examples, think about yourself, your friends, or your siblings during adolescence. Please label each example so it is clear which type it belongs to and make sure to use complete sentences.EXAMPLE!Imaginary Audience:Picture your 13-year-old self getting ready for school in the morning. You are in the 7th grade, which is the peak awkward stage. You are wracking your brain trying to decide between wearing a skater dress and combat boots or the classic jeans, t-shirt, and converse. You really want to wear the first outfit because you just listened to Avril Lavigne’s “Sk8er Boi” album and are feeling the pop punk vibes, but you are worried about what they will think at school. In reality, “they” are no one in particular. The other people at your school are not paying attention to you because they are too concerned with themselves.Personal Fable:You are the same 13-year-old as in the example above. It is simply impossible to pick between the two outfits. In a rush of teen angst, you run to your bed with your head face down while screaming into the pillow. Your mom comes in your room and asks, “Why aren’t you ready for school? You are going to be late.” In this instance, your angsty teen self replies, “Mom! You don’t understand. I’m trying to be a trendsetter, but I don’t want to get made fun of. You don’t know what it’s like to be a teen girl.” Invincibility Fable:Sally is 16 years old, and her super cool, bad boy boyfriend Brad drives a motorcycle. Her mom clearly doesn’t approve of him, but Sally doesn’t care. One night, she sneaks out to go on a ride with Brad, who didn’t bring any helmets. When she asked him why he didn’t bring any helmets, Brad said nonchalantly, “You only live one, girl. Let’s enjoy the fun while we’re young.” After you will reply to that example^ !

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