solved In the introduction of this unit, you were introduced to

In the introduction of this unit, you were introduced to various epistemology theories that are used in various disciplines. In this assignment, you are asked to revisit the theories and to research and describe them. Complete the following for this assignment:In a Word document, write about the importance of the scientific method and the use of theory in research. First, write a short paragraph discussing the importance of the scientific method in the development of knowledge.Then, in the same Word document, list ten different theories and out of the ten, select three specific theories that you will research in more detail. The Examples of Theories in Different Disciplines document attached in the Resources will help you get started. This table is also available in this unit’s introduction.From the list of academic peer review journals below, locate one empirical research article in the Capella library that uses one of the theories from your list. To ensure that you find an empirical research article, use the PSL8106 Library Research Guide and fill out the Empirical Research Article Screener, both located in the Resources. If you locate an empirical article from a journal that is not on this list, please contact your instructor for approval before using it. American Behavioral Scientist.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.American Journal of Public Health.American Journal of Sociology.American Review of Public Administration.Annals of Family Medicine.Child Development.Criminal Justice.Criminology.Criminology and Public Policy.Decision Sciences.Ethnicity and Health.Gerontologist.Information Systems Journal.International Journal of Nursing Studies.Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.Journal of Interpersonal Violence.Journal of Marriage and the Family.Journal of Management.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Journal of Research on Adolescence.Justice Quarterly.Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.Qualitative Health Research.Quality of Life Research.Social Work.Social Work Research.Violence and Victims.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.For each of the three theories, briefly (in about three sentences) describe who developed the theory and accurately summarize the major assumptions. Be sure to use literature to support your claims.Your assignment must conform to APA guidelines.Submit the following for your assignment:The Word document containing the short paragraph on the scientific method and also the theory descriptions.Post the persistent link for your article along with your analysis for discussion. See the Resources for information on finding this link.The completed Empirical Research Article Screener.Read the Theory Selection Scoring Guide prior to submitting to ensure you have met all of the criteria for the assignment.Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

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