solved Please just make a response to the students discussion post.

Please just make a response to the students discussion post. I put down the students response and the requirements for the response and the resources below:There were two significant milestones that were revolutionary in the 1960’s which established and reverberated rights from that point on and these moments were the Civil rights act of 1964 and the Great Society programs.When racial tensions flared against the Afro-Asmerican peaceful protesters and activists starting in Birmingham it marked the beginning of Federal intervention and support for Civil rights from the President, Kennedy, himself. Following Kennedy’s assassination Lyndon Johnson would push for the Civil Rights Act which “prohibited racial discrimination in employment, institutions like hospitals and schools and privately owned public accommodations such as restaurants, hotels, and theatres” (GML Ch 25 The Sixties). This was the start domestic liberalism and resolving the “moral crisis” Kennedy had mentioned in his speech prior to his death, furthermore it was the dismantlement of the Jim Crow system in the south.Moreover, the last great achievement of the radical rights movement was the Great Society programs that brought about systematic problem solving to poverty reduction, medical care for all citizens, and greater educational opportunity. LBJ, being of humble origins and a teacher of the impoverished, established lasting programs from the federal government to help those in need and the less fortunate. “Above all else, Lyndon Johnson saw the Great Society as an instrument to create racial justice and eliminate poverty” (The Great Society Speech. pg 7.) These programs drastically reduced poverty levels from upwards of 22% down to 13% and even increased the lifespan of the minority population by providing medical access through medicare/ medicaid programs. The Civil Rights Act and Great Society programs, I feel, were the two most significant revolutionary rights born out of 1960’s. RESPONSES: Instructions for responding to other students’ discussion posts:Compose a thoughtful and respectful response to ONE of the discussion threads created by other students. (I recommend you do this in a word processing program and then cut and paste your answer into the discussion forum).Begin your response with a clear thesis statement that responds directly the post AND to the original question, AND establishes a plausible line of argument to support this claim. (your response must do all three things to earn full credit) (1pt)Next, develop at least ONE concrete example to support your argument, drawing from the assigned course materials. This must be a different example than the ones you cited in your own discussion post. (1pt)Please cite each of your sources using a simple parenthetical citation form, including author’s last name, abbreviated title, and page. E.g.: (Davidson and Lytle, ‘View from the Bottom Rail,’ 275), or (D&L, ‘VftBR,’ 275).Responses must be at least 100 words in length. Please use full sentences.……

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