solved Begin by reading the chapter on Rome in the text.

Begin by reading the chapter on Rome in the text. Then, for this week, you get to build your own assignment.  You will pick a topic related to Roman history that you find the most compelling and write about it.  You can explore the City of Rome (Links to an external site.), or topics related to Ancient Rome.  (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Be sure to explain why you picked your topic and identify the when, where, how, why, what data (in other words, if you pick Julius Caesar (Links to an external site.) tell us when he ruled, why he was important, what he did, how he did it, where he did the thing you are telling us about…). or perhaps you are more interested in the Empire (Links to an external site.) period? Or the “Fall (Links to an external site.)”?  Roman history is full of  fascinating topics and by allowing you all the freedom to choose we will receive a diverse and interesting set of entries. There are rules of course. You may not use any encyclopedias – no wikipedia or any other type of encyclopedia is allowed. Websites ending in edu or org are usually good to use, if you don’t find what you like in what I have included or the e-text. 
You respond to someone:
Rome is known for their architecture, amazing food and the roman empire. Rome is between 21st century between ancient city of ROME. Ancient Rome was also known for their builders and for their military power. It was ruled by Julis Caesar. Julius Caesar was a revolution himself, he forced his people into many battles and conquered german lands and territories. He was born into a noble family and he later joined the political system.( National Geographic Society, July 2018) He stayed in Gallic and became governor he stayed for almost about eight years to avoid Gallic invading the roman land. He made himself a dictator and he became obsessed with power. “Caesar was now master of Rome and made himself consul and dictator. He used his power to carry out much-needed reform, relieving debt, enlarging the senate, building the Forum Iulium and revising the calendar.” (National Geographic Society, July 2018).
Caesar had is soldiers build a bridge to cross th river. He had had his engineers. The engineering bridge is the speed finished it fast by him. He was very determined to get to the German territory. He was declared himself as a dictator that ruled also could be his win or his down fall. People among the Roman Empire were speaking of his death or assassination towards him. Rome was a small kingdom ha a very small population. Rome expanded there resources and took or shared upon many ideas to their engineers. Romans created their first highway system they couldn’t create corners. The city was lnown to travel using boats mostly.Rome controlled most of Europe and North Africa. Augusta was crowned first emperor. Roman new cities of new urban style of life were very a more up in life luxuries. Roman concrete had a modern water concrete then regular. It allowed higher buildings to be made, and create nicer roman cities. In the city in Rome was known to constantly be state of water, sustain life, had water.( How Rome forged Rome empire sep,2020)

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